Legal notice

LEGAL NOTICE is the website of the company Platinum Age Management (the "Website").

Your use of this Website is subject to compliance with the general terms of access and use (hereinafter, the "Terms of Use") set forth below and all applicable laws. By accessing, browsing, and using the Website, you unreservedly accept the Terms of Use set forth below, which shall prevail over any other agreement.

About Platinum Age Management

Platinum Age Management ("Platinum Age Management" or "the Company")

A Monaco limited liability company

Headquarters: 18 Avenue de Grande Bretagne, Le Stella Mare 98000 Monaco

RCI No. 23S09613

Tel.: 00377 99 92 33 34

Capital: €15,000

Registration number with the Monaco Chamber of Commerce: 23S09613

Represented by Mr. Carole Biever, Director

Website Publisher: Mr. Patrick Wiaux

Website Hosting

The website host is Monaco Telecom.

Headquarters: 4-6 avenue Albert II – 98000 Monaco.

RCI No.: 97S03277


Objectives of the Website

The Platinum Age Management Website is the official website of the Age Reverse® brand in Europe. It is intended for the general public and exclusive members of the Age Reverse program.

The Website aims to publish information about the products and services of Platinum Age Management.

Website Use

The user agrees to access and use the Website in good faith and in line with exclusively personal purposes. The user also agrees not to use the Website to disrupt its proper functioning, particularly by recording or downloading harmful files or software.

Username and Password

The username and password issued by Platinum Age Management to the user are unique, personal, and strictly confidential. The user is solely responsible for their disclosure, so any connection to their personal space is presumed to come from them.

The user agrees to notify Platinum Age Management promptly of any breach of the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of their username and password, as well as any unauthorized use thereof.

Information on the Website

The information provided on the Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice, treatments, diagnoses, or recommendations of healthcare professionals (including, but not limited to, physicians and pharmacists) and cannot under any circumstances be considered medical advice or advice on the use of Age Reverse® products. Accordingly, the use of the Website cannot substitute for the relationship between the Website user and healthcare professionals (including physicians and pharmacists).

Despite the care taken by Platinum Age Management to verify the accuracy of the information published on the Website, it is possible that the Website contains errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or that various content edited by third parties and published on the Website in the form of expert opinions or specialized press articles is incomplete or inaccurate. Platinum Age Management cannot guarantee that all information contained on the Website is exhaustive or accurate, regardless of the information concerned.

Platinum Age Management reserves the right to modify or delete the content of the Website at any time and without notice and cannot be held responsible for the potential consequences of these modifications. Platinum Age Management also reserves the right to interrupt or suspend all or part of the Website's features at any time and without notice.


Under no circumstances shall Platinum Age Management be liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from:

  • The use of the Website not in compliance with these Terms of Use.
  • Malfunction of the user's equipment.
  • Fraudulent access to the user's data.
  • A force majeure event.


Under no circumstances shall Platinum Age Management be liable for indirect damages of any kind, such as, but not limited to, financial loss, business or clientele disruption, business disruption, loss of anticipated profits or savings, loss of image, loss of data, increased expenses incurred by the user due to Platinum Age Management's failure to fulfill its obligations under these Terms of Use. This exclusion of liability for indirect damages also applies in the event of action by a third party.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall Platinum Age Management's overall liability for direct damages arising from a breach of its obligations under these Terms of Use exceed the total amount paid by the user in the 12 (twelve) months preceding the occurrence of the first incident giving rise to liability. Under no circumstances shall Platinum Age Management's liability for direct damages be sought beyond a period of 2 (two) months following the occurrence of the first incident giving rise to liability. This limitation of liability for direct damages also applies in the event of action by a third party.

Corrective and Evolutionary Maintenance

Platinum Age Management undertakes to carry out corrective and evolutionary maintenance interventions in such a way as not to prevent or restrict access to the Website beyond a reasonable period.

In this regard, Platinum Age Management reserves the right to take all necessary measures, including suspending access to the Website. Where possible, Platinum Age Management will make reasonable efforts to provide prior notice to the user of the suspension.

Intellectual Property

The content of this site is protected by copyright laws and literary and artistic property rights.

All elements (including, but not limited to, texts, illustrations, logos, and photographs) of the Website are the property of Platinum Age Management.

These elements are only available for consultation by Users via the features, in the absence of prior written agreement. This right of consultation is personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited to the use of the Website in accordance with these Terms of Use. In this respect, acceptance of these Terms of Use does not transfer any intellectual property rights to the user.

Any use in the form of reproduction, modification, computer uploading, alteration, transmission, or distribution in whole or in part of a document or any information contained in the Website for purposes other than strictly private use is prohibited and engages the user's responsibility unless prior written agreement of Platinum Age Management.

It is strictly prohibited for the user to modify, alter, adapt, or make any changes of any kind to the presentation and content of the products and services of Platinum Age Management, as well as to the trademarks, trade names, and logos affixed to these products and services.


Protection of Personal Data

Platinum Age Management collects and processes personal information through the Website, in compliance with Monegasque law No. 1.165 of December 23, 1993, on the protection of personal data as amended.

The terms of processing of personal information of Website users are specified in the Privacy Policy.

Links to Other Websites

The Website may include hypertext links and references to other websites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Platinum Age Management has no control over the content of third-party websites and cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation of this content. All links to other websites are created solely to facilitate the navigation of Website users. The creation of any hypertext link to the Website or one of its pages must be subject to prior authorization from Platinum Age Management.

Applicable Law and Competent Courts

These Terms of Use are governed by Monegasque law.

In the event of a dispute arising as to the validity, interpretation, or performance of these Terms of Use, the most diligent party shall send the other a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, in order to request an amicable resolution procedure.

In the absence of an amicable resolution within a period of 90 days from the date of the first presentation of the registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt referred